Andy Lester wrote:
On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 09:12:43AM -0400, Christopher H. Laco ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:

If it serves no purpose for you, ignore it and go on with life; as apposed to spending email list cycles on a CPANTS-is-bad-why-are-we-doing-this diatribe.

It's not as simple as "just ignore it" if the result of your actions
are that people stop uploading to CPAN, or new authors are steered away,
for fear of scorn and ridicule.

Why would they stop uploading? How would they, the new uploaders, even know about CPANTS? It's not like uploaded files automatically return a scathing email and an html response page that says your "module sucks; failed CPANTS kwalatee. Go away".

This is no different than CPAN Testers. I can upload dists till the cows come home. If my module failes every single cpan testers report, who cares? That doesn't stop or disuade people from uploading does it? Of course not, so why would CPANTS kwalitee be any different?


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