Hi all,

I suspect that most of us who do test-driven development will probably
argue that tests do not slow down our development or, better still,
will speed up our development.  Usually I find this is true for myself,
but not now.  I could really use feedback on
http://perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=503758.  In short, I need to use
a different strategy to get around the problems outlined in that node
(reproduced below).



One of the less appreciated benefits of test suites is how they speed
up development. It seems counter-intuitive as you're writing twice the
amount of code, but the experience of many programmers has been that
test suites lead to better interfaces, less time spent tracking down
bugs and, due to easier refactoring, a smaller code base that's easier
to work with. I personally find that I'm getting much more work done
now that I write solid test suites.

Until now.

The code is designed well enough that adding new features is quick and
easy. Unfortunately, whenever I need to change my code I fire up a Web
server and view the results in the browser and then write the tests
after I've written the code (this is closely related to When
test-driven development just won't do). This is because XML and XHTML
are just text. I need to see the output. I've been finding more and
more that small changes in my code are making huge changes in the
output and trying to continuously update the tests to exactly match the
XML, XSLT and XHTML using Test::XML and XML::XPath has led to a serious
productivity drop.

I'm considering just using Test::WWW::Mechanize to do integration
testing through a Web server I run in the tests. This will be much
faster and allow me to get my development speed back up. However, I'd
be skipping the unit testing of the output. I'll catch the bugs but it
will likely take me longer to track them down.

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Web Programming with Perl -- http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/

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