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Tels wrote:

> However, I am _really really_ starting to wonder whether we need a
> Kwalitee rating based on *excessive usage of prerequisites*.

Doing work based on existing CPAN modules instead of reinventing the
wheel by oneself is typically *beneficial* to quality, because it
tremendously enhances test coverage: the prerequisites are supposedly
useful to other things besides supporting the top-most module, and are
tested for such alternate uses. Witness e.g. Catalyst.

On the other hand, what about a negative kwalitee metrics of "this
module depends on a lot of *crappy* [low-kwalitee] modules"? A case
could be made that that denotes poor architectural oversight on the
part of the top-most module's author.

> * technically, I would have to audit each module before installing
> it...

Sorry, this is a strawman argument: human-based audits are not a
credible defense against _intentional_ security vulnerabilities in
code. Case in point (for C):


Bottom line: you have to trust the CPAN authors to some extent (for
not being evil).

> * "perl Makefile.PL && make test && make install" is the mantra for
> everything

... including a credible surrogate for auditing code whose author you
do trust. Actually that's the best the industry can do yet, short of
sandboxing (which is orthogonal to the issue at hand) and program
proving (which is a pipe dream for Perl, needless to say)

> ** some modules use Module::Build and the above doesn't work

Not all Module::Build modules lack a working Makefile.PL. My idea of
measuring the average kwalitee of the dependencies would of course
capture this ("depends on a module that is not buildable by CPAN" =
bad, baad)

> [Lots of CPAN-related problems]

Yes, CPAN can be a pain; however (kw|qu)alit(ee|y) is not meant to be
a metrics of how easy to install a module is, but rather of whether it
is possible to build something strong upon it, and to do so quickly
and easily. (Or am I mistaken?)

I have another idea. What about reversing the odds, and rewarding
those modules that provide an all-in-one archive (e.g. CatInABox,
http://use.perl.org/~jk2addict/journal/28071) or a pure-Perl
zero-dependency version with perhaps a restricted feature set, in
addition to the "full" CPAN version? (hmm, maybe this check would be
difficult to automate)

- --
Dominique QUATRAVAUX                           Ingénieur senior
01 44 42 00 08                                 IDEALX

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