Gabor Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You simple cannot guess what libraries/compiler/system/kernel the user
> > has installed, unless you know the distribution and version *and* require
> > that the user never updates anything.
> I think I agree. That's what I would like to see solved. If I stick to the
> standard apt-get (or whatever) of my distribution I would like to be able
> to get all the CPAN modules by saying
> # apt-get install Module::Name

        Well in debianland it's actually apt-get libmodule-name-perl :)

        The solution to this sounds straightforward, although probably not
simple to implement. Your build box is running the distribution+arch you
want to release the modules for. After building the packages, "ldd" any
binaries found within. This will give you a list of library filenames. In
debian's case, /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list contains a list of files supplied
by each package on the system. Use that to match dependancies up.

        If a package requires something on the system that it *doesn't* link
against (say, a certain executable), that problem won't be solved, but I
think that case is a bit rarer.

        - Tyler

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