Adam Kennedy wrote:

> > (*If* the author fixes the problem.  I still can't get my patches for
> > Sub::Uplevel high enough in Schwern's queue.
> Have you considered offering to take it over, or just co-maint the
> module for one or two releases? He's given away modules before to people
> that have more time to give them love than he has.

And for some modules, he's even eager to give them away :)

> > General question: Are failed prerequisite versions a FAIL or a Not
> > Applicable if the smoke tester isn't set to automatically try to upgrade
> > them?
> Well purely logically they aren't a FAIL... I think testers currently
> does email in a FAIL for the dep itself. Not sure what happens to the
> parent module.
> I haven't been able to find (although I haven't looked to hard) for a
> documented set of result codes. But either DEPFAIL or N/A makes sense.

N/A status is already available with Test::Reporter:

  grade     meaning
  -----     -------
  pass      all tests passed
  fail      one or more tests failed
  na        distribution will not work on this platform
  unknown   distribution did not include tests

CPANPLUS only sends FAIL for the module that failed, not for the module
which depended upon the module that failed.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

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