
On Monday 30 January 2006 14:59, David Golden wrote:
> demerphq wrote:
> > On 1/30/06, David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Adam Kennedy wrote:
> >>>A testing system should only be sending FAIL reports when it
> >>> believes it has a platform that is compatible with the needs of the
> >>> module, but when it tries to install tests fail.
> >>
> >>So how, then, do I tell the testing system "this module only works on
> >>Unix-like filesystems on Unix-like OSes"?
> >
> > Hopefully it will be something like:
> > $I::don't::bother::to::write::portable::code=1;
> >
> > How do you define "unix-like filesystems on unix-like oses" btw?
> > Would win32 count and what reason would you give for your answer,
> > whatever it is.
> Well, the more generalized problem is how to you signal to an automated
> test that you're bailing out as N/A for whatever reason?  For Perl
> itself, it's easy enough for the smoke test to check if the required
> version of Perl is available -- and the smoke test is smart enough not
> to try to install an updated version of Perl to satisfy the dependency.
>   It bails out with N/A instead.
> What's a clean, generic mechanism for a distribution to signal "please
> check this dependency and abort if it's not satisfied"?  Something in
> the META.yml (e.g. Alien::*)?  Send a specific string to STDERR?  Send
> a specific exit codes?  Ugh.  Other ideas?


        PREREQ_FAIL => 1,

does it nicely for me.

Best wishes,


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