* "H.Merijn Brand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-04-05T02:39:20]
> I'll just mention two things, both very different
> A. CORE modules are tested on all supported architectures, while CPAN modules
>    do not give that guarantee. The smoke system still causes all possible
>    combinations to be tested on various architectures in various
>    configurations.

Absolutely; this, I cede.

> B. Let's just name YAML. Up until 0.38 it was not to difficult to install a
>    module that is very useful, but now in 0.58, it uses a different test
>    suite, that needs Spiffy, that needs ......

Ugh, yeah, but you're picking a very specific and specifically troubled
distribution.  You also didn't mention (maybe you've been spared learning) that
YAML used to export :all but now doesn't.

That said, I don't dispute the point that it can be wildly obnoxious when
"Something::Trivial" requires DBD::MySQL and Data::Dump::Streamer when it could
use neither -- or at least rely on AnyDBM and Data::Dumper.  It will just meant
that fewer people want to use that trivial module because it takes longer to
install and is less well-tested by virtue of its dependencies.

>    My opinion only.

I don't think your opinion, as stated, is insane.  I think it's better to vote
with your installer, though, and avoid using those modules that have more
dependencies than you think is right.  I think that Kwalitee is an over-rated
concept, but not useless -- but weirder things keep getting proposed to make it
even less useful.  I think "too many non-core deps" would be a nail in its
coffin as a global metric.


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