On Wednesday 05 April 2006 02:02, Adam Kennedy wrote:

> But it's also why UNIVERSAL::isa/can and people adding higher-version
> dependencies below their existing lower-dependency modules is bad.
> The code used to work just fine, and now it doesn't.

This is a strange definition of "work just fine", as before UNIVERSAL::isa and 
UNIVERSAL::can, I had to deal with way too many bug reports of other people's 
code breaking mine.  In other words, it didn't work.

For example, Template::Toolkit may *never* work with Test::MockObject because 
the author refuses to ask the author of CGI.pm to fix a bug in the latter 
module, despite apparently knowing about it for several years and apparently 
preferring to break my code instead.

I'm not going to release knowingly broken code, just so my broken code can run 
brokenly on really old versions of Perl.  What good is that?

-- c

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