Hi Chris!

On Friday 07 July 2006 17:04, Chris Dolan wrote:
> On Jul 7, 2006, at 8:13 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > This kind of attitude was also said by another responder to this
> > mailing list.
> > It's sort of a "small headed" (see
> > http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2004/12/06.html ) "I just want
> > to write
> > code and am not interested in any legal details" attitude.
> May I suggest a compromise?  As the author of the MIT-licensed code
> in Test::Run, Shlomi has the option of releasing the code under any
> license he prefers.  Shlomi can releases *two* versions of Test::Run
> with every update -- a mixed license version and an Artistic/GPL
> version.  With that solution, Shlomi himself shoulders the burden of
> resolving license compatibility and tracking which line of code is
> under which license.

Right. Finally a reasonable approach. Thanks.

> I do believe that the quest for license simplicity in the Perl core
> is not "small headed" or rooted in ignorance, but is instead
> inspired.  

I didn't say it was. What I wanted to say is that people should have the 
minimal knowledge to understand that MIT X11 licence is compatible with 
GPL+Artistic (where Artistic is 1.0 or 2.0) code and can be re-licensed to it 
at will, even without requesting permission from its originators.

In regards to putting it in the core - there's still a long way to go before 
Test::Run and its auxiliary modules are suitable for being placed in the 
core. When and if this is going to happen we'll see what I have to do about 
it. But we should cross the bridge when we get to it.

Until then I believe that licensing my newly written code under the MIT X11 
licence is a long-term benefit *because* it can be re-licensed to a different 
licence without asking anyone for permission.

> While many developers or TPF itself could easily delve 
> deep enough to decide whether MIT/BSD licensed code in the core is a
> threat, I think that would be a wasted effort.  The increased
> complexity of licensing (whether real or perceived) could easily turn
> off third parties with less dedication to Perl, thereby decreasing
> the attractiveness of the language.

Right. I don't mind my BSD-licensed code to be re-licensed as GPL+Artistic 
before entering the core (when and if it is going to enter the core). But I'd 
like to keep it as BSD-license until then, and hopefully be able to maintain 
it as BSD on CPAN separately afterwards.

> After all, software engineering is largely about reducing the exposed
> complexity of a project.


I should note that it's not as if one .pm file is BSD and its neighbour is 
GPL+Artistic in the Test::Run svn repository. I have several directories each 
for every CPAN distribution. The Test::Run distribution was derived from 
Test::Harness and is such Perl-licensed. The Test::Run::CmdLine distribution 
which was re-implemented from scratch and serves as its command line backend 
is X11-licensed. The plugins are also BSD-licensed as they were 
re-implemented from scratch. And finally Test-Run-TAP-Model, which is a port 
of Test-TAP-Model for Test-Run is also GPL+Artistic, because it is derived 

I daresay this thread did not quite meet my expectations, possibly because of 
bad phrasing of the original proposal on my part. What I wanted to say is:

1. Test::Run could use some work.

2. If anyone wishes to work on it and get paid, he can try getting a grant 
from TPF.

3. I'm not interested in such a grant as I already have a full time job. 
However, I can act as a mentor.

4. a) Code that originated from existing Test::Harness code or is somehow 
associated with it, should be kept as GPL+Artistic. 

b) New plugins, wrappers, etc. should preferably be MIT X11. In any case, the 
author can specify any common and GPL-compatible licence in the Copyright 
section of the POD in the directory in which the module resides in.


This is what I wanted to say on one leg. Maybe my over-wordy description was 
not clear enough.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

95% of the programmers consider 95% of the code they did not write, in the
bottom 5%.

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