I propose that we all avoid grabbing the juicy names in the top level
TAP namespace, such as TAP::Grammar, TAP::Parser and so on.  This
avoids one module getting the special status of being "the"
TAP::Parser.  AKA "The CGI.pm problem".  Sort of declare a namespace
Antarctic Treaty.

For example, I'd originally had TAP::Harness with its own TAP::Parser
and TAP::Source and TAP::Lexer and so on.  Now they're going to all be
inside the TAP::Harness namespace.  TAP::Harness::Parser,
TAP::Harness::Source, etc.  All it will have in the top level is

TAP.pm is the exception.  Andy has reserved it for a documentation
module describing TAP itself.

I've written this up on the Wiki.  Please give it a look and sign if
you have designs on the TAP namespace.  I think Ovid, Andy and myself
are the only ones with clear designs on in the TAP:: namespace with
Yuuval, Michael Peters and Shlomi edging towards it.

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