On 12/07/06, Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Wheeler writes:

> On Jul 12, 2006, at 03:41, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> >perl -MModule -e'print $Module::VERSION'
> I have this alias set up:
>   function pv () { perl -M$1 -le "print $1->VERSION"; }

Along similar lines, I have this one-liner as ~/bin/pmv:

#! /bin/sh
perl -m$1 -le 'print '$1'->VERSION || die "No VERSION in '$1'\n"'

> I think that calling ->VERSION is more correct.

So do I.  In fact I used to use $VERSION in my script, but changed to
->VERSION after some situation in which it worked and $VERSION didn't.
Sorry, I can't right now remember what that was.

These all fail for modules that do interesting things. For example
Test::NoWarnings performs a Test::Builder test in an END block to make
sure there were no warnings.

I could change it so that it tries to figure out whether it's being
used for real or not and disable the END block code but that's stress
and hassle. As a module author, as far as I'm concerned, if MakeMaker
can figure out my version then my job is done,


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