> > As one can see, the "1..5" plan is followed by the "todo 3  2;" directive.
> > This is supposed to indicate something about plan ahead todo tests.
> > [...]
> > I'd like to know what I should do about this feature, because right now I'm
> > trying to convert Test-Run to use TAPX::Harness, and this is giving me
> > problems.
> Hmm, that's curious. However, if it's undocumented I would argue against
> supporting it right now.  What benefit does it gain us?

This comes from the Good Old module:

$ perl -MTest -e 'plan tests => 10, todo => [2,4];'
1..10 todo 2 4;

As there are quite some test scripts out there that use it, staying
compatible with it sounds like a prerequisite.

> We can only allow the todoList on a leading plan because one on a trailing
> plan means we can't know the test results until the test run has completed
> (which would suck in the case of infinite streams).
> However, even allowing this on a leading plan is still problematic because
> either the programmer needs to know the test numbers in advance to add that
> list or the code somehow would need to deduce them.  Then, we'd have to
> started defining the semantics of what happens if we have that leading
> todoList in case of one of those tests having a SKIP or TODO directive.  I'm
> guessing that means that leading todoList test numbers would be ignored in
> that case?  I would suggest that this is not a feature we want unless we can
> nail down its intent and semantics quite carefully. could only handle predefined test numbers (it doesn't have a
"no_plan" option like Test::More).

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

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