Ovid wrote:
$ perl -MTest -e 'plan tests => 10, todo => [2,4];'
1..10 todo 2 4;

As there are quite some test scripts out there that use it, staying
compatible with it sounds like a prerequisite.

By "it" do you mean Test.pm or Test.pm's todo feature?  The former I can 
believe.  The latter... I'd be interested to know of a single use in the wild.  And if 
there is anyone using it they'd likely be better served by moving to Test::Legacy and 
inline TODO tests.  Or backporting inline TODO tests to Test.pm.

Ah, crud.  I need to support it then.  Bummer.  I'll try to get a release out 
there when I can, then.

Don't bother, its a poorly designed feature and likely unused.  I don't want to 
see it pushed forward into TAP.

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