On Sat, 2006-09-02 at 05:43 -0700, Ovid wrote:

> Further, though I don't know Tk or other windowing systems well
> enough, it should now be fairly easy to slap a GUI on TAPx::Parser.

Here's an initial attempt at a Gtk2 interface.

>From running it against a few test suites and getting some strange
results, it seems like TAPx::Parser doesn't like lines like

  ok 3 # comment

It flags the corresponding result as being of type "unknown".

Also, this bit at the top of the program might be of interest if you
wonder about performance:

  # Unfortunately, autoflush-ing seems to be a big performance problem.  If you
  # don't care about "real-time" progress bars, turn this off.
  $writer -> autoflush(1);


Attachment: tprove_gtk
Description: Perl program

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