Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
Yeah, this is hand-rolled stuff.  One example:

As the comment in there says ...

  we do not use Test::More or even Test::Simple because we need to test
  order of execution...  the ok() funcs from those modules assume you
  are doing all your tests in order, but our stuff will jump around.

I've patched 7.t to use home-rolled subroutines instead of scattering the code 
all over.  Makes hairy code a little less hairy.  Patch attached.

=== t/7.t
--- t/7.t       (revision 18034)
+++ t/7.t       (local)
@@ -19,11 +19,36 @@
+use Test::More import => ['diag'];
 print "1..34\n";
+sub ok($$;$) {
+    my($test, $num, $name) = @_;
+    my $out = $test ? "ok" : "not ok";
+    $out .= " $num" if $num;
+    $out .= " - $name" if defined $name;
+    print "$out\n";
+    return $test;
+sub pass($;$) {
+    my($num, $name) = @_;
+    return ok(1, $num, $name);
+sub fail(;$) {
+    my($name) = @_;
+    return ok(0, 0, $name);
 use Glib;
-print "ok 1\n";
+pass(1, 'Glib compiled');
 package MyClass;
@@ -53,7 +78,7 @@
           # more complicated/sophisticated value returner
           list_returner => {
              class_closure => sub {
-                       print "ok 32 # hello from the class closure\n";
+                       ::pass(32, "hello from the class closure");
              flags         => 'run-last',
@@ -101,7 +126,7 @@
 sub do_returner {
-       print "ok 24\n";
+       ::pass(24);
@@ -117,16 +142,14 @@
 my $b = 0;
 sub func_a {
-       print 0==$a++
-              ? "ok 4 # func_a\n"
-              : "not ok # func_a called after being removed\n";
+        ok(0==$a++, 4, "func_a");
 sub func_b {
        if (0==$b++) {
-               print "ok 5 # func_b\n";
+               pass(5, "func_b");
                $_[0]->signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (\&func_a);
        } else {
-               print "ok 7 # func_b again\n";
+               pass(7, "func_b again");
@@ -134,19 +157,19 @@
    my $my = new MyClass;
-   print "ok 2 # instantiated MyClass\n";
+   pass(2, "instantiated MyClass");
    $my->signal_connect (something_changed => \&func_a);
    my $id_b = $my->signal_connect (something_changed => \&func_b);
-   print "ok 3 # connected handlers\n";
+   pass(3, "connected handlers");
-   print "ok 6\n";
+   pass(6);
-   print "ok 8\n";
+   pass(8);
    $my->signal_handler_block ($id_b);
    $my->signal_handler_unblock ($id_b);
-   print "".($my->signal_handler_is_connected ($id_b) ? "ok" : "not ok"). " 
+   ok($my->signal_handler_is_connected ($id_b), 9);
    $my->signal_handler_disconnect ($id_b);
@@ -155,26 +178,26 @@
    # this is part of the emission process going wrong, not a handler,
    # so it's a bug in the calling code, and thus we shouldn't eat it.
    eval { $my->test_marshaler (); };
-   print $@ =~ m/Incorrect number/
-          ? "ok 10 # signal_emit barfs on bad input\n"
-         : "not ok 10 # expected to croak but didn't\n";
+   ok( $@ =~ m/Incorrect number/, 10, "signal_emit barfs on bad input" );
    $my->test_marshaler (qw/foo bar 15/, $my);
-   print "ok 11\n";
+   pass(11);
    my $id = $my->signal_connect (test_marshaler => sub {
-          print $_[0] == $my   &&
-                 $_[1] eq 'foo' &&
-                 $_[2]          && # string bar is true
-                 $_[3] == 15    && # expect an int
-                 $_[4] == $my   && # object passes unmolested
-                 $_[5][1] eq 'two' # user-data is an array ref
-                 ? "ok 13 # marshaled as expected\n"
-                 : "not ok 13 # bad params in callback\n";
+          ok( $_[0] == $my   &&
+              $_[1] eq 'foo' &&
+              $_[2]          && # string bar is true
+              $_[3] == 15    && # expect an int
+              $_[4] == $my   && # object passes unmolested
+              $_[5][1] eq 'two' # user-data is an array ref
+               ,
+              13,
+               "marshalling"
+           );
           return 77.1;
        }, [qw/one two/, 3.1415]);
-   print ($id ? "ok 12\n" : "not ok\n");
+   ok($id, 12);
    $my->test_marshaler (qw/foo bar/, 15, $my);
-   print "ok 14\n";
+   pass(14);
    $my->signal_handler_disconnect ($id);
@@ -193,18 +216,10 @@
    my $tag;
    $tag = Glib->install_exception_handler (sub {
-               if ($tag) {
-                       print "ok 16 # caught exception $_[0]\n";
-               } else {
-                       print "not ok # handler didn't uninstall itself\n";
-               }
+                ok( $tag, 16, "exception_handler" );
                0  # returning FALSE uninstalls
           }, [qw/foo bar/, 0]);
-   print ""
-       . ($tag
-          ? "ok 15 # installed exception handler with tag $tag"
-         : "not ok 15 # got no tag back from install_exception_handler?!?")
-       . "\n";
+   ok($tag, 15, "installed exception handler");
    # the exception in the signal handler should not affect the value of
    # $@ at this code layer.
@@ -212,54 +227,51 @@
    print "# before invocation: \$@ [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
    $my->test_marshaler (qw/foo bar/, 4154, $my);
    print "# after invocation: \$@ [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
-   print "ok 17 # still alive after an exception in a callback\n";
-   print "".($@ eq 'neener neener neener'
-            ? 'ok 18 # $@ is preserved across signal invocations'
-            : 'not ok # $@ not preserved correctly across signal invocation'
-              ."\n   # expected 'neener neener neener'\n"
-              .  "   # got '$@'\n"
-           )."\n";
+   pass(17, "still alive after an exception in a callback");
+   ok($@ eq 'neener neener neener', "$@ is preserved across signals") ||
+        diag "# expected 'neener neener neener'\n",
+            "   # got '$@'";
    $tag = 0;
    # that was a single-shot -- the exception handler shouldn't run again.
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
           if ($_[0] =~ m/unhandled/m) {
-               print "ok 20 # unhandled exception just warns\n"
+               pass(20, "unhandled exception just warns");
           } elsif ($_[0] =~ m/isn't numeric/m) {
-               print "ok 19 # string value isn't numeric\n"
+               pass(19, "string value isn't numeric");
           } else {
-               print "not ok # got something unexpected in __WARN__: $_[0]\n";
+               fail("got something unexpected in __WARN__: $_[0]\n");
    $my->test_marshaler (qw/foo bar baz/, $my);
-   print "ok 21\n";
+   pass(21);
    use Data::Dumper;
-   $my->signal_connect (returner => sub { print "ok 23\n"; 0.5 });
+   $my->signal_connect (returner => sub { pass(23); 0.5 });
    # the class closure should be called in between these two
-   $my->signal_connect_after (returner => sub { print "ok 25\n"; 42.0 });
-   print "ok 22\n";
+   $my->signal_connect_after (returner => sub { pass(25); 42.0 });
+   pass(22);
    my $ret = $my->returner;
    # we should have the return value from the last handler
-   print $ret == 42.0 ? "ok 26\n" : "not ok # expected 42.0, got $ret\n";
+   ok( $ret == 42.0, 26 ) || diag("expected 42.0, got $ret");
    # now with our special accumulator
-   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { print "ok 28\n"; 10 });
-   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { print "ok 29\n"; '15' });
-   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { print "ok 30\n"; [20] });
-   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { print "ok 31\n"; {thing => 25} 
+   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { pass(28); 10 });
+   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { pass(29); '15' });
+   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { pass(30); [20] });
+   $my->signal_connect (list_returner => sub { pass(31); {thing => 25} });
    # class closure should before the "connect_after" ones,
    # and this one will stop everything by returning the magic value.
-   $my->signal_connect_after (list_returner => sub { print "ok 33 # 
stopper\n"; 42 });
+   $my->signal_connect_after (list_returner => sub { pass(33, "stopper"); 42 
    # if this one is called, the accumulator isn't working right
-   $my->signal_connect_after (list_returner => sub { print "not ok # shouldn't 
get here\n"; 0 });
-   print "ok 27\n";
+   $my->signal_connect_after (list_returner => sub { fail("shouldn't get 
here"); 0 });
+   pass(27);
    print Dumper( $my->list_returner );
-print "ok 34\n";

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