On Sep 11, 2006, at 7:08 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:

Ovid wrote:
Last week I was at a testing conference with Acme and he came up with the idea of installing tests. He looked into hacking Module::Build and ExtUtils::MakeMaker. He also considered hacking CPAN.pm and CPANPLUS.pm. While I don't know if he plans to continue working on this idea, he said he didn't mind me posting his idea here for others to consider. Basically, installing tests would be good because then you can run your full test suite against *installed* modules. That would be nice because then you could install a module and rerun your tests for your entire installation and see what broke.
I love this idea, but here are some issues that we spotted:
1.  How does one install tests for modules already installed?
2. If you install a module with already failing tests, you need to track what the failures are so you can note different failures when you run the test suite in the future. 3. What's the best way to install them? Should a separate tool just for this be built?
Anyone want to take a crack at this?
I'm also going to post this to Perlmonks.

IIRC, I think this is something Ken has had in mind for a long time for Module::Build. He might have some ideas about how it might be done.

Yes, I've been thinking about this for a long time. In fact, in the most recent M::B beta I made some steps toward it, by adding a 'retest' action that's just like 'test' except that it doesn't look in blib/, just in @INC. Functionally that actually covers a lot of the same ground you're after.

What I like about the 'retest' approach is that it's very easy and it's much more likely to work. It also makes it possible to run old tests against a new installation, or vice versa. What I don't like about it is that the user has to find the tarball again that they previously installed. I can imagine that in some situations that wouldn't be trivial. In other situations, when people can plan ahead, it's probably not a big deal.

I think there are some larger issues than 1,2,3 above that you might have missed, too:

4) Many distributions, including many of the most crucial and well- used ones, have some extra set-up steps in their build/install sequences. Others make assumptions in their test suites about where various files are located relative to the test code or relative to the current working directory. It's quite possible that in order for "installed" tests to work correctly it could take some serious coöperation by modules' authors.

5) Where should tests be installed? Where would any other supporting materials be installed?

For your #1 above, I'd say just perform a reinstall. For #2, maybe just punt - is there much of a need for that? For #3, I think we can work it into Module::Build as an action or flag(s) to the 'install' action. For EU::MM-based modules I'm not sure what the best approach would be, but probably I don't have to think about it. =)


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