----- Original Message ----
From: jerry gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> thanks for the responses. i've done a second take on the TAP grammar
> in perl6 format, with the help of patrick michaud. i'm pretty sure
> it's correct now, at least as per your previous grammar. have a look:

I'll update my grammar as I can and I'll send it along and I'll try to 
incorporate your work.  It's great to see a Perl6 version.

Do Perl6 grammars support semantics along with syntax?  Each test number should 
actually be one greater than the previous test number, but a traditional EBNF 
can't support that.

~ there are some places i took liberties (eg. \d versus [:digit:], \N
> verses [:print:] (are comments, directives, and description really
> limited to printable characters?).)

Hmm, never thought about that.  I don't think there's anything really wrong 
with non-printable characters (are null bytes a problem?), but I'm not sure how 
to represent that.

> as an aside, patrick asked why C<1..0> was valid. i explained
> C<no_plan>, and he asked why it wasn't C<1..> or the more perl6ish
> C<1..*>. i know TAP isn't perl-only, but i have to say, C<1..*> is
> really growing on me... 'one to whatever.' it looks and sounds better
> than 'one to zero.' anyone else have thoughts on that?

'1..0' actually means 'skip all'.  '1..' or '1..*' would be useful for 
indicating an infinite stream.  'no_plan' TAP has the plan at the end.


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