On Sep 19, 2006, at 7:00 AM, David Golden wrote:

David Cantrell wrote:
clearly. So my attempt to make my tests good will mostly consist of applying the same coding standards to the test suites as I do to the rest of the code.

OK, Lazy Web, who's going to write Test::Test::Perl::Critic?


Yeesh, Perl::Critic tries to be self-compliant, but even we don't run Perl::Critic on it's own test suite, let alone on Test::Perl::Critic.

In seriousness, though, that is a pretty good idea. There definitely are different standards for writing test code than writing live code. A set of policies optimized for judging style of test code would be very valuable. Like, for example, policies that enforce labeling tests if Test::More is in use.

Any tips on what - other than comprehensiveness, clarity and maintainability - I should aim for specifically in test suites would be greatly appreciated.

No claim to best practice here, but this some of what I aim for:

I try to reduce the amount of copy/paste test code I use. Once is OK, but twice makes me start thinking about putting it into a module that I pull in with "use t::Common" or something.

I try to separate my test data from my test code. Many of my test files are data structures of test inputs, outputs, and labels that get processed in a small loop.

I try to have the test labels be self documenting -- I'll often throw in a pass() to help me see the flow of execution when run verbosely

I try to have each test file test a single feature -- with minimal dependencies on other tests being successful (not always possible).

I try to skip subsequent tests that depend on something being successful so the real point of failure is apparent.

Those are very good points. A few more:

* Keep the .t files on topic. If you are testing independent features, consider using a separate .t file * Name your .t files in a lexicographic order that tests the simple stuff (like syntax errors) first and the less important stuff (like Perl::Critic compliance) last, with the meat in between * Write readable test code, and comment the intentions of every .t file Consider that your tests are sometimes the best working example of usage of your code. * Use Devel::Cover, but don't assume that high coverage always means thorough testing * Every time you get a valid bug report, write a test that reproduces the bug.

and of course

 * Read "Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook" for more ideas


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703
vCard: http://www.chrisdolan.net/ChrisDolan.vcf

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software (http://www.media-landscape.com/) and partners in the revolutionary Croquet project (http://www.opencroquet.org/)

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