Paul Beckingham wrote:
>> I'm with Adrian.  Printing out "ok" 100,000 times shouldn't be a
>> big deal unless you're reading the TAP via some sort of IP over
>> clay tablets protocol.  But...
> My test estimate is two orders of magnitude larger, so it actually is a
> big deal to capture and store those results.
> But I would like to point out that there is a very low information
> density in 100,000 "ok" messages.  I was looking to see what folks
> thought of an *optional* feature that doesn't bother outputting the "ok"
> messages, just the interesting ones.  Hence the "sparse".
> The basic idea was that instead of:
>     1..10_000_000
>     ok 1
>     ok 2
>     ...
>     not ok 123
>     ...
>     ok 10_000_000
> The output could be collapsed to the following, with no loss of
> important information:
>     1..10_000_000 sparse
>     not ok 123
> Yes, I could achieve this with grep, sed, Perl etc, but I thought it
> might make a nice addition to TAP.
> Paul.

I'm in the same boat. Recently, I've started testing my environment when
things go wrong. (I blame Andy). I have one test alone that has a test
count of 500,000+. That's a lot of oks to be processed, when I only want
the ones that didn't pass.

Now, add in a few more tests that easily go into the 50,000 range in
addition to 'the bi one', and waiting for the test output/TAP to be
parsed takes quite a while.

Just my $0.02 worth.


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