What about diag() output.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 6:15 AM
To: Geoffrey Young
Cc: perl-qa@perl.org
Subject: Re: YAML?

On 19 Mar 2007, at 12:51, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> it's really hard to wade through the flurry of activity of late,  
> but is
> the consideration really to alter current TAP to make it look like  

No - it's still TAP but with embedded YAML documents to provide  
extended machine-readable diagnostic information like this:

    TAP version 13
    ok 1 - Input file opened
    not ok 2 - First line of the input valid
      message: 'First line invalid'
      severity: fail
        got: 'Flirble'
        expect: 'Fnible'
    ok 3 - Read the rest of the file
    not ok 4 - Summarized correctly # TODO Not written yet
      message: "Can't make summary yet"
      severity: todo

If you cut between --- and ... you still have good 'ol TAP v12.

> I know this came up here before, and I thought there was a general
> consensus that YAML is really only conventient for perl, that moving
> away from the simple TAP format we currently have to something with  
> more
> markup is going to make life very difficult for TAP producers  
> written in
> other languages.

We're defining a subset of YAML (YAMLish) that should be simple to  
implement in many languages. YAMLish was based initially on the YAML  
subset that YAML::Tiny supports. Since then I've made it able to  
handle arbitrary strings as hash keys (YAML::Tiny needs hash keys  
like \w\S+).

> so, is that argument being dismissed as irrelevant now?  or was it
> forgotten?  or was it carefully analyzed and determined that, despite
> this hardship, YAML represents the best alternative given the  
> problem set.

Getting people from other languages interested in TAP is absolutely  
on the agenda. That's why we have testanything.org - it's all about  
TAP without any specific language bias.

YAMLish is amenable to lightweight implementations. The current  
YAMLish writer is 124 lines of nicely formatted Perl and the parser  
is 258 lines. There's no trick Perl in there and it should translate  
pretty easily to other languages.

When I get a moment I'll probably produce PHP and JS implementations  
and of course anyone else is welcome to implement it in their  
language of choice.

Andy Armstrong, hexten.net

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