Nadim Khemir wrote:
How do you plan to test things like:

my $url_base = ""; ;

for my $rest (qw(modlist/Graphics modlist/Database_Interfaces))
        do_anything_with($ur_base . $rest);

Well, if it's in a verbatim block, then ""; would get tested. If it's in the code, then since this is a POD test it wouldn't get touched - to my mind, that's kind of up to your own test suite.

In the verbatim block, it's still not testing what you want. I could certainly provide a mechanism for specifying additional URLs for testing. In fact, I suspect

   =for test-pod-uri

would Just Work given the implementation I'm thinking of. Not ideal to have the URLs duplicated, but I can't think of a (sane) way to do anything else.


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