On 6/7/07, Eric Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've never seen the benefit of pod after __END__.  IMO, your code and
docs should follow the same order/groupings.  That, and you have to

It has two benefits. Separating code from pod prevents it from being
wholely unreadable without syntax highlighting. I ran into this face
first once while trying to read CPAN code or something similar through
a browser. I ended up mistaking code in pod for real code and mostly
it was pretty unpleasant.

I could have just schlepped the code down to a local box, perltidied
it and opened it in emacs to get everything to be super-sane again.

The other benefit is you don't spend the CPU parsing that additional
bit of text. I recall noticing it on some really pod-heavy code.


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