demerphq wrote:
> On 9/1/07, Fergal Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On a tangent, I think using quotes is important otherwise you end up output 
>> like
>>       wanted: elbow
>>       found: elbow
>> when what you really needed was
>>       wanted: 'elbow'
>>       found: 'elbow '

No need to quote everything, just when there's leading or trailing whitespace
to clarify. does that automatically.  In fact, I don't think you can
express leading or trailing whitespace without quotes in YAML.

>> I'd even suggest sticking \t and \n in there when required and giving
>> the option of outputting \{x} for unicode characters. The whitespace
>> issue is one I had to deal with when writing Test::Tester as it allows
>> you to check diag strings and they involve plenty of tricky
>> whitespace,

An option to display whitespace escaped is a good idea.  Also all non-ASCII.
However, Unicode definitely has to default to normal display or else all those
who don't speaky the ASCII will be very unhappy.

> Could this be a reason NOT to emit a YAML stream?

Not particularly, why do you ask?

The interface should be as clean as newly fallen snow and its behavior
as explicit as Japanese eel porn.

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