--- Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How
> > ironic.  It's a silly concern, I know :)
> Wringing your hands
> over perception issues defeats the point.

Did you see the bit where I wrote "It's a silly concern"?  I *know*

> And folks don't beat on CPANPLUS and Module::Build because they
> messed up an alpha release.

I can't speak for CPANPLUS, but I know from many conversations in
person and online that many people don't like Module::Build because it
was so limited and buggy when it started (which falls in the "well,
duh" category).  Now they don't like it because they're not the
Module::Build target audience and they remember the pain they had (not
everyone falls in this category, but many do).  That being said, we're
striving to be a drop-in replacement, so we might be able to sidestep
this issue unless we get freaks who actually *like*

That's the only point I'm making.  It was more of a ramble than a
serious point and certainly is a MINOR issue for me:  "minor" as in "in
the back of my mind", "I don't really care", "I'll pay attention if it
becomes an issue".  :)


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