On Dec 31, 2007 6:49 AM, Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Why not replace this thing you have done which works and is useful
> with the thing I think it should be but haven't implemented"
> Hey, Sam - instead of doing whatever you're doing right now come and
> clean my bathroom. That's what I'd prefer you to do.

OK -- this has degenerated and that's uncalled for.

(a) Sam didn't say what what in the quotes above.  That was someone's
(bad) paraphrase.

(b) Other than the initial "yuck", Sam asked a very reasonable
question about the design decisions behind the module.

Posting about a module in public invites public criticism of the
module -- particularly the technical details and often motivational
criticism (when modules duplicate existing ones).  If someone doesn't
like it, just release modules to CPAN and don't post about it

Let's not confuse design commentary with personal attacks.


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