Ovid wrote:
>> Why not just load Perl once and fork for the execution of each test
>> script.  You can pre-load modules before you fork.
> Forking is also more likely to be used for parallelization.  Often code
> requires sweeping changes before it can be run in parallel.  So this
> means we're reduced to running the code sequentially and forking
> doesn't offer a huge advantage and can mask hidden state assumptions
> like when naughty code is munging globals such as filehandles or
> built-in globals.

> Also, since forking is only emulated on Windows, it's not reliable
> (I've had it crash and burn more than once).  I prefer to avoid writing
> modules that are limited to specific platforms.
> (I'm not saying forking is a bad solution, just a different one).
> Finally, Test::Aggregate is designed to have tests run with minimal
> changes.  For many tests, just move them to the aggregate directory. 
> No worries about which modules to preload or anything like that.
> Finally, if you think my code is such a bad idea, I'm sure folks would
> welcome alternatives.

Nono, I was just wondering why that approach, it just seemed quite odd.
  You've now explained that quite nicely.  Actually a large part of my
initial reaction was due to the use of the word "concatenation".
Looking at the module documentation I see that it's not anywhere near as
simplistic as that.

Aggregating tests is something that I do a lot of, it's just that
normally I'm writing data driven tests - and on larger code bases the
module load time can end up taking a non-trivial time.  I only care
about loading the modules as a part of the test for the first couple of
tests; the other ones I just use Test::Depends or something to skip if
that module fails to load.  So, in the general case I can probably
pre-load the lib/ modules for all but a few specially marked tests.
However the usual problematic boundary between the harness and the test
is there.  How do you solve this for Test::Aggregate, is it by making it
one test at the TAP level for each aggregated test?


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