Matisse Enzer wrote:
>>>> Ok, why do you want to stop it as fast as possible when a failure
>>>> occurs?
>>> So I can more quickly focus on fixing that first test failure.
>> I use
>>  make test 2>&1 | less
>> Works for individual tests too
>>  make && perl -Mblib t/testname.t 2>&1 | less
> I don't see how this stops running the test suite upon the first
> failure, can you explain please?

Sure.  What happens is that less doesn't read all of its input.  As soon
as the script emits more than 8k of output (or whatever the pipe buffer
happens to be) it blocks on the next write() call that it makes and
doesn't run any more tests.  If you quit less, the test script gets a
SIGPIPE and probably quits.

Ok, that's not the first failure, but you'll always see the first
failure on your screen with that.

Or, back to the question Schwern posed,

 "Ok, it's nice to want things, but why do you want it?"

Still curious - perhaps you can explain more about why you think this is
useful thing.


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