I'm having problems with a Test::Warn test for DBD::Pg. The error I've
been seeing is here:


The important part is:

#   Failed test 'Version comparison does not throw a warning'
#   at t/00basic.t line 24.
# found carped warning: uplevel 2 is more than the caller stack
# at /home/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/maint-5.8/pOwntgt/
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Test/Warn.pm
# line 263
# didn't expect to find a warning

The code in question is:

  eval { require Test::Warn; };
  $@ and skip 'Need Test::Warn to test version warning', 1;

  my $t=q{Version comparison does not throw a warning};

  Test::Warn::warnings_are (sub {$DBD::Pg::VERSION <= '1.49'}, [], $t );

It's not a particularly important test, as the underlying issue has been
fixed, but I've no idea what's causing the carpiness of the warning to
appear; DBD::Pg does not use Carp. Explanations, workarounds, or harsh
code reviews all welcome. This test does pass on other boxes, FWIW.

Greg Sabino Mullane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
End Point Corporation 610-983-9073

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