# from Matisse Enzer
# on Friday 14 March 2008 12:20:

>and when you see a  
>"use" statement, you know what the corresponding package is, and have
>   a good clue about the path path of the file you are importing.

Well, a "use" statement literally defines the name of the file (per 
`perldoc -f require`), but also the package of the import() method.

While one *can* have a package name which doesn't match the file path, 
the 'use' statement still has to point at the file -- but that sort of 
inner switcharoo is extremely non-discoverable and is likely to lead to 

  # loads package Deal, but calls Foo::Bar->import()
  use Foo::Bar;

  # much, much later ...
  my $thing = Deal->new;

By "discoverable", I mean that when a constructor is called on a class, 
I expect to be able to hit '*' in vim and soon find a corresponding
'use' or 'require' statement.  This also ties to the rule of least 

Now, the "Foo/Bar.pm contains Foo::Bar and Foo::Bar::Whatever" issue is 
slightly different.  I would call that situation acceptable, but 
typically as an interim measure -- and generally only to the extent 
that Foo::Bar::Whatever does not, in itself, have much importance or 
require easily accessible documentation (that is:  when it has
"importance", you probably want `perldoc Foo::Bar::Whatever` to work.)

Aside: I have often wished that base.pm had simply said eval("require 
$base") and been done with it (instead of all this mincing %{"$base::"} 
stuff (not to mention the timidity about $SIG{__DIE__} again.))  That 
would at least have made the error message much less ambiguous.

But as soon as you hear the Doppler shift dropping in pitch, you know
that they're probably going to miss your house, because if they were on
a collision course with your house, the pitch would stay the same until
impact. As I said, that one's subtle.
--Larry Wall

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