
I'm trying to ouput sexy graphs for our smoke history, and I want to
include a lot of details.

Each test can be one of:
- ok            (ok)
- not ok # TODO (todo)
- ok # SKIP     (skip)
- ok # TODO     (todo_ok)
- not ok        (fail)

I also graph the number of extra/missing tests (as the absolute value of
the difference between tests_planned and tests_run). See attached example.

Call me slow of mind, but it took me half an hour and two sheets of
paper detailing all the cases to finally find out how to compute "ok".

The values I want to graph are computed as follow:

   $ok      = $p->actual_passed - $p->todo_passed - $p->skip;
   $todo    = $p->todo - $p->todo_passed;
   $skip    = $p->skipped;
   $todo_ok = $p->todo_passed;
   $not_ok  = $p->failed;

$ok and $todo seem to me like fairly useful values, so please,
can we have accessors for these too?


 Philippe Bruhat (BooK)

 A little work with your brain can save you a lot of work with your body.
                                    (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #40 (Epic))

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