On Thursday 01 May 2008 20.06.52 Eirik Berg Hanssen wrote:
>   What precisely must "something()" be?  I tried the following:

>   So.  Where do I look?

Here is the (simplified) code that would generate the warning I thought was a 
problem (read below)

my ($search_regex, $replacement_regex) = (qr/l/, '$2') ;
my $text = 'l' ;
eval "\$text =~ s/$search_regex/$replacement_regex/ ;" ;

But I was completely mistaken! I blindely thought the problem was in
"warning_like {...}" but it was the previous test!

Thanks to your help (and trying to reproduce the error in simpler code) I have 
found an error in my testing and in the silly I used to fix it.

Note that:

warn "1\n2\n3" ;
} qr/1\n2\n3/ ;

still doesn't work properly.

Cheers, Nadim.

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