On Jun 19, 2008, at 5:34 AM, Steffen Schwigon wrote:

For a particular maybe unorthodox test rpoject I want to create test
suites that can inherit from other test suites, so that I can provide
base suites, and on top of that more specific suites, adding or
changing particular tests.

(So I'm not talking about a suite *for* a distribution but the
distribution *is* the suite.)

I've done that with Test::Virtual::Filesystem, which is a generic test suite for any mountable, POSIX-compliant FS. I based it on Test::Class, and I'm very happy that I did.

The nearest thing I found was Test::Class. But I'm not sure it's the
right thing, read on:


Maybe I'm just missing the right idea for connecting "prove" with some
call into a TestSuite::Foo->main().

Some ideas?
Am I confusing things? :-)


Kind regards,
Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With Test::Class as the base, using the suite becomes as easy as:

_______ test.pl _______
#!perl -w
use Test::Virtual::Filesystem;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
my $test = Test::Virtual::Filesystem->new({mountdir => tempdir (CLEANUP => 1)});

Then, say I just want to run the tests related to symlinks. I can do that like so:

env TEST_METHOD='symlink.*' prove -l test.pl


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