G'day Thomas,

Thomas Klausner wrote:

I've been very quite lately regarding CPANTS, mostly because I currently have more interesting things to do (at the moment I'm in the lucky situation that my day job is more fun than my non-paid open source activities). This does not mean that I want to give up maintaing CPANTS.

Congratulations! ;)

would of course love it even more, if you [all of you, not Slave] would turn some of the suggestions into code...

In other words, put our code where our mouths are. ;) For those of you who want hacking the CPANTS game to be a game in itself, it now earns you ohloh kudos too:


This could be quite easy for the various views etc. But I'm not sure how to calculate a game score then. Do we end up with lots of different games? But then, it's only the game (which still motivates a few people..)

I've tossed out a few of these suggestions, so I guess I better start coming up with answers. I'll start with what I think are the least controversial things, and get into more risky territory as I go.

== Honours ==

One of the proposals was that some of the optional metrics like "packaged by Debian" become "honours". These are things which are (more-or-less) out of the author's control, but which we already have (disabled) tests for, and which are useful indicators of quality. I suggest that completed honours are shown automatically for any distribution that has them. Honours that a distribution doesn't have just don't get shown.

== Optional Metrics ==

I've also proposed that things that the author does have control over, but which they don't consider relevant to their distribution(s), can be switched off. For the "optional" metrics these allegedly don't contribute to the game score[1], and so the ability to disable them *should* be a non-issue; you don't gain or lose game rankings by having them or not. Optional metrics that an author doesn't want are simply not shown.

== Kwalitee Scores ==

Getting a little more controversial here, this means splitting the Kwalitee score into two. Rather than showing an aggregate Kwalitee score for each distribution, we'd show the "Core Kwalitee" (for non-optional metric) and the "Bonus Kwalitee". If you're a gamer, you'll be turning on bonus kwalitee metrics and trying to complete them to obtain the fabled Amulet of CPANTS. If you're not a gamer, you'll turn them off, and that's that.

Whether that means we have *two* scoreboards I'll leave as an open question, but I'd be willing to bet the general consensus is that we should.



[1] However it appears that http://cpants.perl.org/highscores/hall_of_fame has scores going up to 128, which I understand means it *does* includes optional metrics. http://cpants.perl.org/dist/overview/IPC-System-Simple has a score of 124, and fails only one optional metric (which it would have passed if I had remembered 'make manifest').

Paul Fenwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://perltraining.com.au/
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