--- On Sat, 28/6/08, Aristotle Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think the game is actually an excellent idea. The problem is
> with the metrics. Here are some metrics that are inarguably good:
> • has_buildtool
> • extracts_nicely
> • metayml_conforms_to_known_spec

One problem with this is when you get dinged for an unknown key.  This means 
you can't extend your meta YAML file.  It's a hash disguised as YAML.  There 
shouldn't be a problem with adding to it, only subtracting from it.

On a side note, I still don't understand why I sometimes get dinged for CPANTs 

Here's one for HOP-Lexer (http://cpants.perl.org/dist/errors/HOP-Lexer):

  STDERR: Invalid row in Debian file: "libhtml-wikiconverter-moinmoin-perl", 

I have no idea what this is and I have no way of correcting it yet I am getting 
dinged for it.  I see that I can send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but why?  
I don't understand why CPANTs bugs are counted against me.


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