I am about to book my flight to Copenhagen but I have to decide when
to come back
so I was wondering what's going on with the Hackathon?

Is it going to take place?
Who is attending?
What is being planned for?

Is there still place to join?


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 1:49 PM, nadim khemir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In Oslo I proposed to organize a hackathon the week after YAPC::EU.
> Subject:
>        -QA
>        - tool: IDE, editors, _debugger_, CPAN::Mini::xxx
>            (I believe most toolchain ppl are on the QA list)
>        - your_idea_here
> I'd like to make it possible to have this one "on a shoestring" for those who
> have better ways to spend their money (like better hardware). What costs is
> transport, hotel and food. If things are as I plan:
> Transport:
> - the crossing to Sweden (train) is 30 Euros return, transport to Simrishamn
> is another 20 euros return (bus)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simrishamn
> Hotel:
> - I have some room in my summer house. 10-15 uncomplicated people can live
> there for a few days (There are two toilets and one shower).
> - for the rich and fortunate, hotel rooms are available 300m from the house
> but Simrishamn is crowded with tourist in that season so early booking is
> good.
> -a camping 2 KM away but we can put tents in the garden or better yet rent a
> big tent (6 * 4)
> Food:
> - restaurants costs 10-15 euros for lunch and much more evening time. pizzas
> etc .. are available during evening for around 10 euros.
> - cooking is the one thing I'm not too bad at. I'll cook if I get help. That
> will keep food cost low. Vegetarians will have to teach me (we could all eat
> vegetarian once just "to share") (there's a dishwasher so don't be
> frightened). If no cooking is involved, I can at least make pancakes.
> - since this is a private place, There are no "working hours"; hacking can go
> round the clock and is expected to.
> Other:
> - there will be a projector
> - no internet (right now) but I'll fix a gsm-modem that would limit the
> bandwidth but still usable (up to  200 KB/s) and everyone is carying a
> CPAN::Mini right?
> - web site, etc: a volontary please
> - what else do we need?
> Getting some money for the hackathon:
> -Sponsering is wished for. I'd like you to help me with this.
> The money could be used to pay transportation, buy beds and rent the mega tent
> or other activities.
> Dates:
>        Saturday: Transportation from Danemark and free time in Sweden. I can 
> find
> room for 4/5 persons in Lund (possibly more). It will be possible to
> directely got to simrishamn too (1 1/2 hour bus) where accomodation is
> possible.
>        Sunday: transportation to Simrishamn, installation, start hacking
>        Monday-Wednesday-Longer?: more hacking
>        Weather permitting, a hacking session outdoors with ocean breeze in our
> faces.
>        It would be great if someone could give a presentation every evening
> Rapid feedback please, Nadim.

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