(Now copying to appropriate lists, hence the response not being trimmed)

--- On Mon, 18/8/08, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ovid wrote:
> > One issue Salve raised is that the IETF apparently
> requires *physical* meetings three times
> > a year.  Short of people individually ponying up the
> money, this suggests
> some form of
> > sponsorship.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> I roll to disbelieve.
> It seems not like the IETF to dictate the structure of a
> working group so
> rigidly.  RFC 2418 [1] backs this up with things like
> "there are few hard and
> fast rules on organizing or conducting working group
> activities" and "each
> working group will determine the balance of email and
> face-to-face sessions
> that is appropriate for achieving its milestones." 
> All we should need is a
> mailing list and a bit of structure on top of that.
> You might be conflating the IETF's own rules [2] with
> the Working Group rules.
> [3]  We'd be a Working Group.
> [1] ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2418.txt
> [2] http://www.ietf.org/tao.html#anchor10
> [3] http://www.ietf.org/tao.html#anchor28

Schwern, I can't tell from reading the references you provide whether or what 
you're saying is correct, but I *think* so.

Salve, can you comment on this?  If we don't have to be physically present for 
such IETF meetings, that might help.

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