On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:33:04AM -0400, David Golden wrote:

> Looks like Archive::Tar, while slower, it more consistently
> controllable everywhere.


And it's core in 5.10 and can be made a dependency for new releases of
CPAN.pm and CPANPLUS.  Anyone using old versions of CPAN.pm - well,
they'll be no worse off than they are now.  The only possible problem is
that one of its pre-reqs isn't pure perl - but that's a compression
library thing, so could be made into an optional pre-req, falling back
to the local gzip if necessary.

David Cantrell | A machine for turning tea into grumpiness

  I remember when computers were frustrating because they did
  exactly what you told them to.  That seems kinda quaint now.
      -- JD Baldwin, in the Monastery

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