> It should be fairly easy for willing CPAN testers to setup any database
> they like, and provide some connection information for throwaway tables
> and data (assuming the test script WILL probably drop all tables in
> there and dump its own crap there).

This seems of dubious usefulness, as the intersection between the number
of CPAN testers that would bother to set this up, and the number of
modules that would make use of it, would be very small.

> After seeing your code, I suppose it could also be somewhat easy to try
> out a few series of basic/default credentials on localhost for engines
> like MySQL and Postgres, and try to setup a test database from there.
> Does that sound like an interesting tool to have?

That sounds more interesting. The DBD::Pg strategy is to try and use
DBI_DSN if is defined. Even when defined, it often fails due to permission
issues, so we fall back to creating a brand new database cluster from
scratch, which ensures that we can control all the parameters, paths, and
permissions ourselves. Feel free to crib from the code in the link below.
If I was doing it all over again, I might even jump straight to clean
creation (via initdb) first.


Greg Sabino Mullane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
End Point Corporation

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