David Cantrell writes:

> Smylers wrote:
> > It sounds scary to me.  If I'm just installing a Perl module from
> > Cpan on a newly installed OS, which happens to still have default DB
> > connection permissions, I wouldn't expect the module's tests to
> > start making use of the DB without asking.
> Of course, a module author can do that already,

Indeed (and she could also do the other things I mentioned, such as
grabbing images or e-mail addresses).  But I don't thing we should
encourage such things as being a good practice.

> > Further, if the module install fails the database may be left
> > behind.
> Having a well-known module specifically for creating, accessing, and
> tearing down the test database, written carefully and maintained,
> instead of people just hacking up their own nasty solutions to the
> problem whenever they need it - this will *reduce* the chances of that
> happening.  End result - less cruft left on your system *and* better
> testing for databasey modules.

Yes, that's good.  Connecting using environment variables which the user
(or tester) has explicitly set up for the purpose is also good.  I like
this proposal overall, and the current plan for implementing it -- it
was only the 'let's grub around on the system and see if the user
happens to have left a DBMS unprotected that we can use' but which
scared me.


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