# from Ovid
# on Thursday 22 January 2009 02:00:

>The programmer still has to count if the programmer wants a plan.

I'm not sure anybody *wants* a plan.  A way to ensure that every test 
ran or accurate progress reporting, yes.  It seems to me that some are 
just willing to suffer counting their tests to achieve that.

Pretend for a moment that the number of tests could automatically be 
counted by the interpreter (e.g. at the parse/compile stage.)  Would we 
still have the manual counting?

I suppose "if($whatever) { some_test() } else { alternate_test()}"
would complicate automatic counting.  But, you have to go down one 
branch.  The only impossible spot is when tests are inside e.g. a 
runtime dispatched method, no?  (And, given the procedural paradigm, 
that seems to be an odd case.)

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
--The Napoleon-Clarke Law

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