Late to this discussion. But can somebody explain to me why in java or .net or 
groovy or ruby a programmer doesn't have to induicate the number of tests that 
will run before hand but in perl he must?
------Original Message------
From: Michael G Schwern
To: David E. Wheeler
Cc: Eric Wilhelm
Sent: Jan 23, 2009 20:16
Subject: Re: numeric plans - feature or symptom?

David E. Wheeler wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>> I don't recall claiming that it was *simpler*.  The single static
>> numeric plan is simplistic.  Given any cross-platform skip issue or
>> optional-dependency condition, you have a situation where the plan
>> becomes harder for a human to get right.  In that case, I want to
>> program the test to react to the environment rather than shipping the
>> wrong plan.
> I want it to be hard for me to calculate. Because once I've calculated
> it I can be confident that it's correct.

Wait... what?

x = 2 + 3

y = (2 + 8 * 19.3 / 298)^e

Which one are you more likely to get right?

Now I've changed 2 to 3, which one are you likely to get right now?

I have a date with some giant cartoon robots and booze.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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