On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Marc Lucksch <p...@marc-s.de> wrote:
> Sorry, that previous post sounded way to agressive, this is probably because
> I'm not english speaker (Worst in my class and proud of it) and my

Don't worry, I was not offended.

> Yes, but I kind of want to deliver the best module I can produce and
> Kwalitee is at least *a* way to improve my module.

Except when it's not.  For example, even if I wanted to have a perfect
Kwalitee score, I can't because one of my modules *cannot* use strict
and serve its intended purpose.  Oh, well.  It's important to
recognize where Kwalitee is simple an opinion of quality and can be

>> Not always.  You can have Foo.PL files that are run during make/Build
>> and that require any module you want.
> True, but who does that?

138 distributions on CPAN use *.PL files.  I didn't check how many use
modules that need to be in build_requires.  See
http://gist.github.com/67173 for a list.

(N.B. list created with App::CPAN::Mini::Visit)

>> That's absurd.  The Kwalitee analyzer shouldn't look in xt.  Period.
> For this, yes.
> But before anyone goes fixing things, for uses_test_pod and
> uses_test_pod_coverage it has to look at 'xt'

I'll be more specific -- build_prereq_matches_use shouldn't look at
use in xt.  If that means the analyzer needs to have @used_not_xt and
@used_in_xt and look at both for pod/pod-coverage and only the first
for build_prereq... then that's what needs to happen.

-- David

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