--- On Mon, 9/11/09, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <philippe.bru...@free.fr> wrote:

> compile_ok() would certainly be interesting with scripts
> shipped with
> a module, that usually have very little meat that needs
> testing (since
> most of the work is done in the modules), but that one
> would at least
> check that they compile.

OK, here's a quick 'n dirty implementation.  Takes either a module name or a 
script name.  If we could get this relatively stable, I might slap it in 
Test::Most if Schwern doesn't want it in Test::More.

    #!/usr/bin/env perl

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Test::Most 'no_plan';

    sub compile_ok ($;$) {
        my ( $module_or_code, $name ) = @_;
        my $tb = Test::More->builder;

        my $perl = $^X;

        my $command = Test::More::_is_module_name($module_or_code)
          ? "$perl -M$module_or_code -e 1"
          : "$perl -c $module_or_code";
        my $success = system($command) == 0;
        my $error   = $? >> 8;
        my $ok = $tb->ok( $success, $name || "$module_or_code compiles" );

        unless ($ok) {
            $tb->diag(<<"    DIAGNOSTIC");
        Tried to compile '$module_or_code'.
        Exit status:     $error

        return $ok;

    compile_ok $0;
    compile_ok $0, 'we compile';
    compile_ok 'CGI';
    compile_ok 'No::Such::Module';

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