On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 02:11:23AM -0800, Ovid wrote:
> For the life of me, I can't really see any utility to use_ok() or
> require_ok().  Not only are both fragile and a source of strange
> "action at a distance" bugs, but the constructs they replace not only
> work correctly, but can be viewed as tests themselves!  If either "use
> My::Module" or "require My::Module" fails, the test program exits with
> a non-zero exit status, thus meaning a failure is reported.
> What do people think?  Should we start discouraging the use of these
> tests?  Maybe even go so far as to deprecate them?

I haven't found those two function to be particularly useful. I think
Test::Functional has a (less) confusing way of handling this stuff:

    # test will die if this fails
    pretest {
      use Thing;
      use Other::Thing qw(foo bar);
    } 'core dependencies';

    # test won't die but will have a failure if this fails
    test {
      use Third::Thing;
    } 'other dependencies';

-- Erik

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