Slightly related to the recent discussion on DarkPan management tools I wonder
why are we still stuck with latest-and-breakest when installing
modules from CPAN?

Actually now I am wondering from the side of the module developer who
wants to upload new versions of her module but wants to make be able to upload
both  bug-fix versions on several stable branches and development
versions on the,
well, development branch.

For projects like Padre we would like to be able to upload versions and let
the end user easily decide which version they would like to use. e.g.

2.00 stable - 2.01 bugfix - 2.02 bugfix - 2.03 bugfix
4.00 stable - 4.01 bugfix - 4.02 bugfix -
5.00 dev  -    5.01 dev    - 5.02 dev ...

So I wonder if it would be possible to add a flag to every CPAN upload
(e.g in the META.yml file) that will allow the developer to create "branches".
Then, once the CPAN clients support this, the end user will be able to tell
"for Padre I would like to use branch foobar" and it will keep upgarding only
the releases that are marked to be in the 'foobar' branch.

Old clients would still get the latest version.


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