
I have written a simple test script to do functional verification of an 
external application. Let me explain the application first:

I am testing an ticketing application server which get input details in xml 
format and provides an acknowledgement for the same. Sometimes, Along with the 
acknowledgement it creates an ticket number/id for the accepted request.

Here, A scenario is defined by multiple test cases where for each test the 
server is invoked with the input and the resultant output will be used for 
subsequent test case. An example scenario, PORT_CREATION:

*         Create a customer id - inputs will be details like name, ssn no, etc

*         Create a request id for that customer - input will customer id 
created earlier, type of request is new internet connection or new phone 
connection etc

*         Create a port id based on request id - input will be speed of the 

*         Initiate completion by providing customer id, port id - input will be 
date etc...

This is a simple scenario where the subsequent test case uses result of 
previous test(s) as input. Data files are maintained for Test scenario and Test 
case inputs as individual elements in that xml file. Infact, I have a test data 
generation script too.

TS_PORT_CREATION.xml and TS_PORT_CREATION.t files which are test scenario data 
file and test scenario Perl file respectively.



Use TestScenarioExecute;
&Load_and _execute("TS_PORT_CREATION"); #Loads data file and executes each test 

In TestScenarioExecute.pm:

For each testcase based on the loaded xml file, I am calling the application 
server and checking the resultant status( ok($ret, "$testcase returned $ret")).

I have hundreds of similar scenarios and they are getting executed well and 
working as expected with test harness. But my doubt is I am having hundreds of 
.t files just with two lines of code i.e. loading the module, calling the 
subroutine Load_and_execute with the xml file as input. Is it not just a 
repetition/code duplication? But I need a way to test the whole suite with 
multiple scenarios like this. Is any other way possible.

I am using File::Find::Rule to get the list of test files to be executed 
according to the input(i.e PORT).
Please let me know your feedback. Thanks in advance.


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