On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 4:11 AM, Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I have written "Test::Builder2" more times than I can count.
> Wait, I can count them.  It occurs at least 1280 times in the distribution.
> That's 18,000 keystrokes.  19,000 if you count shift.  It gets a little
> tiresome.  That's just the current count, who knows how many times I've
> retyped it.
> In the interest of saving my hands, and the hands of test module authors, I'm
> considering changing the namespace from Test::Builder2 to just TB2.  Like LWP
> and DBI.
> Test::Builder2 has a lot of parts, as you can see here:
> https://metacpan.org/release/MSCHWERN/Test-Simple-2.00_07/
> Here's some examples.
> Before                                  After
> ------                                  -----
> Test::Builder2                          TB2
> Test::Builder2::History                 TB2::History.  
> Test::Builder2::Event::SetPlan
> TB2::Event::SetPlan
> Test::Builder2::Formatter::TAP::v13     TB2::Formatter::TAP::v13
> Test::Builder, Test::More and Test::Simple remain unchanged.
> This both saves wear on joints and it establishes a clear "keep outta my
> namespace" namespace for TB2 to expand into.  3rd party extensions can go into
> TB2X:: or just Test:: like normal.
> On the down side, it doesn't contain the word "Test".  I'm not too worried as
> this is the guts of testing, and by the time you need it you should already
> have picked up enough Perl to find it.
> It also busts compatibility with the existing TB2 alphas... but that's what
> alphas are for.  I've very well broken compatibility nine other ways this
> month anyway.
> Oh, and somebody has to do it.
> Thoughts?

I'm not seeing the point really. By this logic we can reduce all
frameworks on CPAN to some three letter acronym. To be honest I don't
think Test::Builder is used directly often enough to justify that.


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