On 2011.11.15 6:40 AM, Leon Timmermans wrote:
> I'm not seeing the point really. By this logic we can reduce all
> frameworks on CPAN to some three letter acronym. To be honest I don't
> think Test::Builder is used directly often enough to justify that.

Test::Builder was just one monolithic module.  It isn't any more.  There's
lots of pieces now.

People who develop Test modules that do interesting things will be typing it
more often.  People who don't won't even know anything has changed, so they're
not really a concern.

Elliot Shank uttered:
> I'm against abbreviation; it makes things harder to read.  Your
> text editor's completion mechanism should take care of having to
> typing out long names.

When you make them up on the spot and use them twice, abbreviations are bad.
When you repeat it 1300 times in the project... folks will figure it out.

While I agree good editor skills are good, and "I have a crappy editor" isn't
an excuse, getting an editor to autocomplete Perl class names is non-trivial.
 It gets into TAG files and having the editor be aware of the whole project
and parsing Perl correctly and guh.

I don't know how to do it.  I don't expect contributors and users to know or
have a copy of Perl Hacks.

101. I am not allowed to mount a bayonet on a crew-served weapon.
    -- The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The U.S. Army

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