On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 01:32:09AM -0800, Buddy Burden wrote:
> Gabor,
> > I am not sure if this helps but in Windows you need to put the
> > double-quotes around  $cmd
> >
> >     my $output = qx{$^X -e "$cmd"};
> Yes, that would work if I were running _only_ on Windows.  But I need
> it work for everything (and the double quotes on Linux will cause any
> variables in my perl code to get intepreted by the shell. :-/

Use the multi-argument form of system() to avoid all shell nastiness,
and use Capture::Tiny to catch its output.

David Cantrell | London Perl Mongers Deputy Chief Heretic

  All principles of gravity are negated by fear
                                            -- Cartoon Law V

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