On 4/15/13 7:06 PM, Jens Rehsack wrote:
> On 15.04.13 18:56, Michael G. Schwern wrote:
>> TL;DR version...
>> IMO we only need to clarify what "conflicts" means and what actions CPAN
>> tools should take.
>> We talked in the Consensus Dome about the need for and meaning of the
>> "conflicts" relationship in the CPAN::Meta::Spec.
>> https://metacpan.org/module/CPAN::Meta::Spec#Prereq-Spec
>> IIRC the conclusion was...
>> * We need it.
>> * It's not clear what it means. (I don't recall what the confusion was)
> The difference between "A conflicts with B op VER" and "A breaks B op
> VER" and "A superflous B".

IIRC those meant...

"A conflict B" is A and B cannot be on the machine at the same time.
For example, they're both http servers and need the same port.  I can't
think of an example where CPAN has needed that for modules.

"A breaks B" is if A is installed B will break.  This is what we need on
CPAN for things like Test::Builder breaks Test::Class < 0.39.

"A superfluous B" is if A is installed B is no longer necessary.
Usually called "obsoletes".  This is mostly useful if you rename a
package, though I'd rather that was made more explicit in the meta data.
 Most of the use cases I can think of are better handled by the
installed modules database and CPAN distribution meta data.

>> * Let's see what Debian does.
> Or MacPorts, HomeBrew or pkgsrc :P

Whatever packaging system I may actually use, I go to Debian first
because they extensively document this sort of thing, both the meanings
and the rationales.

Let's have a look at what the others do...

MacPorts has a conflicts tag, but I can't find the docs.  The only
mention of conflicts I can find in the MacPorts manual is "variant X
conflicts Y" but there's no explanation what that means.
It's not mentioned in the dependencies section.

pkgsrc has CONFLICTS=Some-Name-[0-9]* essentially a regex.
All they say is the "package may conflict with other packages a user
might already have installed on his system"

Homebrew has an undocumented "conflicts_with".

rpm has "Conflicts" and "BuildConflicts" which is only defined as "where
one package conflicts with a capability provided by another" which isn't
very useful.  rpm also has "Obsoletes" "where one package obsoletes
capabilities provided by another, usually used when a package changes
name and the new package obsoletes the old name".

It doesn't shine much new light on the issue except that package
management systems agree, you need a conflict tag.

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